Toggles >> Apply for Jobs : >> @ Bedayia International School Stage: EC SchoolELM SchoolMiddle SchoolHigh School Select at least one Subject: < Please Choose ...> Arabic English German Math PE Quraan Religion Science Social Studies Required Full Name: Required Birth Date: Required Mobile Phone: Required Email: Required University: < Please Choose ...> Ain Shams Alexandria AUC BUE Cairo University GUC Helwan University Other: Academic: < Please Choose ...> License Degree Professional Certificate Bachelor's Degree Graduate Degrees Undergraduate Degrees Master Degree Doctoral Degree Academic Other: Faculty: < Please Choose ...> Faculty of engineering Fine Arts Faculty Other: Employer 1: From: To: Employer 2: From: To: Employer 3: From: To: Reference Name: Reference Position: Reference Phone: Reference Email: Last Salary: Invalid value No. of Years of Experience: Invalid value Upload Cv: Required Upload Photo: